
Renwick Ecommerce Website

Tech Stack: Html, CSS, JavaScript, Tailwind-CSS | December 2023 – November 2023

  1. 1. Front end development using Tech Stack for creating interactive and responsive website.
  2. 2. Constructed a sleek Navigation bar, User-friendly login page, Add to cart and responsive product page.
  3. 3. Designed and developed "Renwick," a fully functional e-commerce website from scratch
  4. 4. Utilized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a responsive and visually appealing user interface
  5. 5. Implemented the Tailwind CSS framework for efficient styling and improved development workflow
  6. 6. Incorporated Bootstrap-icons to enhance the website's iconography and user experience
  7. 7. Ensured cross-browser compatibility and mobile responsiveness for a seamless user experience
  8. 8. Implemented dynamic features such as product carousels, interactive forms, and real-time updates using JavaScript
  9. 9. Optimized website performance through efficient coding practices and minimized loading times
  10. 10. Integrated secure payment gateways for a smooth and trustworthy online shopping experience
  11. 11. Implemented user authentication and authorization to enhance security and protect user data
  12. 12. Utilized version control systems (e.g., Git) for collaborative development and code management


Personal Portfolio Website

Tech Stack: Html, CSS, JavaScript, Tailwind, Bootstrap-icons | January 2024 – February 2024

  1. 1. Developed a responsive portfolio website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ensure a seamless user experience across devices.
  2. 2. Implemented a modern and visually appealing design using Tailwind CSS, emphasizing clean and efficient styling.
  3. 3. Incorporated Bootstrap-Icons to enhance the visual elements, creating a polished and professional look.
  4. 4. Utilized JavaScript to introduce interactive elements, such as smooth scrolling, dynamic navigation, and project modals.
  5. 5. Effectively presented professional experience, detailing roles, responsibilities, and achievements.
  6. 6. Showcased projects in a visually appealing manner, including project details and links to repositories or live demos.
  7. 7. Implemented a user-friendly contact section with clear and easily accessible contact details.
  8. 8. Incorporated links to relevant social media profiles, providing additional avenues for professional networking.
  9. 9. Ensured fast load times and optimized performance for a smooth user experience.
  10. 10.Maintained clean and well-structured code, adhering to best practices in web development.